My Organic Vegetable and Herb Garden | Organic Nutrition

KellyLifestyle, Nutrition

My husband Adam and I have an organic vegetable and herb garden to provide for our organic nutrition. Prior to this I have never done any gardening, so I really didn’t know what I was doing and I was a bit nervous. I read Mel Bartholomew’s Square Foot Gardening and learned how to grow an efficient garden. (One requiring less maintenance than …

Personal Trainer | Why stay away from GMO’s


As a Personal Trainer, I’m frequently asked about my opinion on nutrition and eating. I want to discuss an important topic on nutrition today. GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism) are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using engineering techniques. They are found in many, if not most, of the foods we eat, yet they do not offer any benefits to the consumer …

28 day Vegan Detox Completed!

KellyLifestyle, Nutrition

My detox is always a learning experience After successfully completing a month-long detox from meat, dairy, bread, pasta, alcohol, sugar and caffeine, I feel stronger mentally and physically.  I am saving my health by cutting out processed foods, dairy, and meats pumped with hormones and antibiotics.  Now I eat grass-fed meat, wild caught fish, and pasture-raised eggs, but I try …